School Closure Information

Weather Alerts and School Closure

We have not had any severe wintery weather so far this year but please be aware of the arrangements, should we have to close the school in an emergency. Local radio stations will broadcast the schools that are closed and these stations are:

Heart Thames Valley (102.9 and 97.0 FM)
BBC Radio Berkshire (94.6FM 95.4 FM 104.1 FM 104.4 FM & DAB)

We will also put a message on the school website if the school is to be closed and send you a text. Please be aware that we will do our very best not to close the school, but we do still have to adhere to staff ratios and it is dependent on enough members of staff being able to get to school safely. Many of our teachers live some distance from the school and there may have been more snow in the area that they live.